Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Character for Scrapbook- Laura

Name: Tia Kennedy
Age: 24
Status: Single
Bio: Tia grew up on the Caldwell's estate. Her mother was the families maid for many years, until she retired, and it was time for Tia to take her position. She comes off quiet and soft spoken to most people, but in reality is secretly plotting the social downfall of the Caldwells. She complies with the family only so they will continue to treat and accommodate her mother. She detests the families arrogant and cavalier outlook on life. Tia knows the families entire past, the secrets and scandals that they keep behind the stately stature of their Georgian home. The Caldwells are in for a treat when they see what Tia has in store for them.

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