Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


In the book, there are many things that leave me wondering. One of them , is why Ms. Celia is always laying down. I predict she is pregnant. One day, she was out of it, and was curled up in hr bed instead of primped up and reading her magazine. She told Minny (her maid) to head out early, and then yelled at her for the first time when Minny didn't immediatley. I believe she had another miscarriage, because after that day she is finally moving around. Ms. Celia also always goes upstairs, where there is nothing but un-filled baby's rooms. I predict she is preparing for her baby, and plans on having many more. Ms. Leefolt is due with another child, and I predict she won't care for this one even more than she doesn't care for Mae Mobley. One last prediction is that Ms. Celia is scared to tell her husband about Minny (even though he already found out)because she's afraid if he finds out she can't do any house work like a house wife should, he'll leave her and go back to his old girlfriend, and after all she's come from, she can't go back to being money-less.There are so many other events that can lead to minor predictions as well.

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