Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Impressions

As I began reading The Help, many first impressions of the book began to cloud my mind. Once I started reading and Aibileen began as the narrator, I thought that the book would mainly revolve around her as the maid for Mrs. Leefolt, as the main care-taker of Mae Mobley, and as the closest friend to Minny.  I was more than surprised when I flipped the page(clicked the next page button on the kindle) to find out that the narrator changes to another main character in the book to get their perspective. This is a small factor that really made me appreciate the book even more because I think that is something very unique and rare in most books now-a-days.  Also, it became increasingly harder to put the book down once you found out about Mrs. Celia Foote and all of her strange ways when it came to her leaving the house and having three empty baby rooms and being afraid of her husband knowing that she is getting a maid (Minny).  One more thing that I can really enjoy about the book is that at certain intervals, there are these really funny parts that I can relate to and I just find myself cracking up sometimes when I am reading the book.  Overall, it is a fun read right now but I can feel suspense creeping into it every time I read.

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