Please use this blog to post your comments, reflections, responses, questions and ideas for each other, the class and me on The Help by Kathryn Stockett. If you are part of the Notebook group, please post nightly, according to the reading scheduled you've devised. Have fun, challenge yourselves and others and enjoy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How would we feel...

If I was in the position of any character in the book, for example Ms. Skeeter, I would have totally different views. If I were Ms. Skeeter, I wouldn't quite know what to think. She always knew that the color of your skin mattered. But she had Constantine, so she was not just taught to turn her nose up at people with darker colored skin. Now, she is becoming friends with one, and she is breaking down her wall of uncomfortability between talking to black people or not. I would be so scared if I were her, I'd be enetering a whole new world, that was always taught to be scarier than mine. I would also be really nervous to start out on this writing adventure when woman are not looked at as writers at the time. I would also feel so excited to do it, to be a first one. I would despise my mother. In the book, Ms. Streeter still listens and respects her mother. I would be out of that house faster than you could say 'you don't have enough money to pay the rent'. I really do not like that woman. If I were in Ms. Streeter's shoes, I would be a mix of emotions.

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